Worship and Arts
First Aid and Health
This ministry serves and cares for the needs of the church and its’ members in a godly and friendly manner. The ministry provides health-related information to the congregation and provides monthly blood pressure checks every third Sunday.
Ministry Leader: Rolanda Thomas
firstaid@newprovidencebaptist.com (919) 971-6079
Meetings: 4th Saturday in January, March, June, and September at 12 noon
The mission of the Media Ministry is to support the church with audio, video, website, and other media formats that enhance the worship experience and outreach efforts, so that all can come to know and worship Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We stewardship to use these tools as best as possible for kingdom purposes. All of our weekly sermons are uploaded to our website in video and audio formats. Sermons are streamed live over the internet each Sunday. Sermons are also available as podcasts in the Apple Store and Google Play. Sermons and other videos are available on our YouTube Channel. We also maintain an active Facebook and weekly e-mail newsletter for additional church communication.
Ministry Leader(s): Darryl Mullins and Douglas Webb
Meetings: Saturday before the 4th Sunday at 12 noon
The mission of the music ministry is to sing inspirational songs of praise and worship with the anointing to heal, set captives free, and bring sinners to repentance. Current choirs: Sunshine (children to age 11), Youth Choir, Gospel Choir, Male Chorus, Senior Choir, and Praise Team.
Ministry Leaders:
Sunshine Choir-LeShawn Thorpe (919) 567-3806
Youth Choir-Peggy Tatum (919) 796-4724
Gospel Choir-Regina Austin (919) 917-2776
Male Chorus-Clarence Dunston (919) 779-0198
Senior Choir-Mary McGregor (919) 834-6833
Rehearsals vary. Please check the monthly church calendar.
The mission of the Usher ministry is to serve the Lord through serving His people. Ushers welcome disciples and guests into the sanctuary with a warm smile and a spirit of love. Ushers provide church bulletins, assist with seating, keep the sanctuary in an orderly fashion, ensure envelopes are available and provide comfort and information to disciples and guests. Ushers are committed and serve in whatever capacity is required and believe “a true servant is loyal and obedient to the Master-even when it’s not convenient.”
Ministry Leader: Gollon Umphrey
(919) 706-5867 __________________________
Meeting: Saturday before the 4th Sunday at 11 a.m.
The mission of the Welcome Ministry is to welcome members and guests as they enter the building to participate in worship service.
Ministry Leader: Mamie Richardson
(919) 552-0627 __________________________
Meetings: As announced